An Angel came to shepherds at night with Good News in which to bring,
A Savior’s been born to you today, who is a Prophet, Priest and King.
The shepherds filled with great joy praised The Lord from the start,
Mary hearing them praise her boy, pondered these things in her heart.
Visiting the Temple at age twelve Christ spoke with much insistence,
And speaking to Mary would tell her He’s about His Father’s business.
For Christ was not just another man but He is Almighty God Incarnate,
He was sent into The Holy Land and revealed as God’s final Prophet.
He was spoken of by Moses as the prophet like him, who would come,
And this Prophet knows all about us for He is God’s One and Only Son.
Many men were prophets in the past and used by God as He had willed,
And Jesus, my friend, was the last, as prophecy in Him was fulfilled.
The Old Testament economy of then since that time, friend has ceased,
And Jesus is now The Way for all men, from the greatest to the least.
No longer one ordained by men, Christ is our Heavenly Eternal Priest,
He is the final Priest my friend, to bring all men God’s Eternal peace.
The Jews mocked Jesus as a king, but that is exactly what Christ is,
And He’s coming back as Eternal King, with all those He knows as His.
He is the final revelation from God no matter what this world thinks,
And He’s coming with an iron rod to reign as Lord and King of Kings.
(Copyright ©08/2004)