Lean Upon The Lord Who Is Able

In this world that is so unstable, I lean upon The Lord Who is able,

For Christ is able to see me through everything that I attempt to do.

Indeed He's The Rock of All Ages, written throughout history's pages.

As kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, The Lord remains The King of all.

In looking for which path to take, to follow The Lord is no mistake.

Knowing the beginning and the end, Christ is a sure guide my friend.

Even when I make my plans, all the steps I take are in God's hands.

And if by chance I should go astray, The Lord is never too far away.

Friend man's plans and his will are etched in shifting sand and silt,

But God's plans by His will are made in Heaven and eternally built.

With no solid foundation at all, plans by man are destined to fall,

But upon His Word that He swore, God's plan will forever endure.

God's plan is not limited to earth, as He offers all men a new birth.

This birth directs your heart and mind to focus upon God's design.

You also get a new sense of worth centering on Heaven not on earth.

Within the plan of God's Design, He makes all things new in His time.

A rock will fall upon all lands and one cut out without human hands,

The Rock is The Kingdom of God, upon the lands that Christ will trod.

He will trodden all enemies of God and rule forever with an iron rod.

So put away any fear of man and simply embrace God's Eternal Plan.

(Copyright ©05/2004)

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