Did you ever travel that path that in the world is very well known?
This path that has been so traveled on is the wonderful Romans Road.
It's a road that is freely traveled on by all people from any nation,
This road has one destination, which is God's Good News of Salvation.
Therefore you find out quickly that this road was built by God's Son,
And He states early on that there is no one righteous, not even one.
And there is no one who understands, so there's no one who seeks God,
But friend, continue down this road many others have already trod.
It's a road close to home, but one that many from all over have trod,
A road sign says all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.
For sin entered the world through Adam, and passed on to you and me,
And physical death through sin came to all men, through Adam's seed.
The next sign, if you're not ready could even take away your breath,
Says your sin must be paid for and the wages of sin is Eternal Death.
But while we were yet sinners, God's love sent Christ to die for us.
Indeed, Christ died for the ungodly, and all we have to do is trust.
So if you've sincerely stayed on this road with no desire to depart,
You'll find The Word is near you; it's in your mouth and your heart,
If you confess Jesus is Lord and believe by His Father He was raised,
By Believing you are Justified and by your Confession you are Saved.
(Copyright ©03/2003)