When I truly believed in Jesus The Holy Spirit marked me with a seal,
He then started filling me with His knowledge and gave me His zeal.
The Lord then changed my heart of stone to one that was able to feel,
Those around me with hurting hearts that only Jesus Christ can heal.
In The Word of God Jude was moved to give Believers quite an appeal,
To snatch the people around us from an Eternal Fire that's very real.
Sharing the Truth of God's Eternal Salvation was his initial desire,
But he was concerned for those being seduced into the Lake of Fire.
He was very eager to write to the early Church about God's Salvation,
But felt a need to warn them of certain men marked for condemnation.
They changed the Grace of God into a license to commit immorality,
And they secretly slipped into the Church justifying their iniquity.
Appearing to be real they are like empty clouds that produce no rain,
Like Balaam, these evil men are using God for their own wicked gain.
We are to Contend for the faith and be aware of their evil seduction,
For God, Who can't be mocked has marked them for Eternal Destruction.
When Jesus saw how indifferent the people of Jerusalem were he wept,
When Jesus looks back upon the Church of today will He say we slept?
When we stand before The Lord in that day many of us may sorely weep,
For He may say I sent you many to lead to Me, but you chose to sleep.
(Copyright ©05/2002)