The prophet Ezekiel says God will one-day gather all the Dry Bones,
But will many of them simply return back to their religious homes?
The Dry Bones refer to the Jews that are scattered around the world,
This is something the average Christian doesn’t take time to herald.
Paul who was a Pharisee himself spoke very proud about his heritage,
He was very concerned for his people who had zeal without knowledge.
He wished he were cursed for Israel, the nation that he did cherish,
Knowing Zechariah said two-thirds of his nation will one-day perish.
However God had engraved Israel on the very palm of His Mighty Hand,
And the other one-third will be refined and restored into her land.
Peter said that some of Paul’s writings would be hard to understand,
Perhaps he was referring to Romans and about the people of the land.
The land above is not the Roman’s but is Almighty God’s Eternal Land,
The only land that was given to a nation with a promise and command.
For Peter said some will distort God’s Word through human deduction,
He followed with a sober warning that it would lead to their destruction.
And Paul had warned us who were grafted in, not to become conceited,
Seeing how some have replaced Israel, you can see it wasn’t heeded.
This was not a warning to Israel, but it was written for me and you,
For Grace is from the God of Israel and Salvation is from the Jew.
(Copyright ©08/2002)