Lord Above All The Rest

Are you content to spend your time in just a religious affiliation?

Or would you rather friend learn about God's Eternal Salvation?

Are you possibly being lead into error in a man made denomination?

For many have been lead from the narrow path to Eternal Damnation.

Many without a shepherd are like dumb sheep that simply go astray,

Instead they follow men who are just seeking to find their own way.

They forget that God is still the potter and we are still His clay,

If they refuse God's only Way, the wages of sin they'll have to pay.

Listening to man instead of God, the Bible is just another intrusion,

These liberal men trash the Truth while filling minds with confusion.

Seeking peace apart from God, they sell people a religious solution,

They call a group of men together to form another religious delusion.

To pacify the ideas of many, as one, they teach religious pluralism,

But unwittingly all they really do is create another distorted ISM.

Soon they push God out of the pulpit and startup political activism,

Down the road some say enough is enough, and create another schism.

God told Abraham through him all nations will be cursed or blessed,

His attempt to offer Isaac pointed to Christ and was not just a test.

And one day soon every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess,

That Jesus Christ is Lord and God and He is Lord above all the rest.

(Copyright © 08/2003)

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