Beyond The Gloomy Clouds

The End Times

Beyond the dark and gloomy clouds there's a golden sky that looms,

And nestled in that golden sky there is a mansion filled with rooms.

It's a hope for all who believe in Christ, a Blessed Hope my friend,

For Jesus said He went to prepare a place for us and will come again.

He's coming back to receive us friend, so that where He is we can be,

But Christ said unless you're born-again, that Kingdom you won't see.

Also, you need to be born of The Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God.

And all those who choose not to believe, will be punished by His Rod.

One day upon this present earth friend you and I will no longer trod,

Then all the earth will acknowledge Christ as Savior, Lord and God.

Then all believers will reign with Jesus on the earth and in the sky,

And all of those who rejected Christ as Lord will then eternally die.

Before that, The Day of The Lord will come with a mighty vengeance.

When God's Righteousness Judgment pours on all who lack repentance.

However, the true Body of Believers will not be found in its path,

For we were saved unto Salvation and won't experience God's Wrath.

Instead, at the sound of The Trumpet and in the twinkling of an eye,

All Believers will be snatched from earth to meet The Lord in the sky.

And when we see Him we shall receive a Glorified body like The Lord,

Then He will take us home to our Mansion to be with Him forevermore.

(Copyright © 10/2003)

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