My friend, at just the right time, God showed a love you can’t deny.
He paid to men the ultimate price, by sending His Son as a sacrifice.
A sacrifice for all the world to see upon the hill known as Calvary.
There Christ died upon a cross for both the righteous and the lost.
However, the righteous could not see that He came to set them free.
Freed from the curse of sin, and this freedom is only found in Him.
He became a curse for you and me, for cursed is anyone upon a tree.
But the righteous would have no part, for they had a hardened heart.
No greater love to commend than one who gives his life for a friend.
One may die for a friend in need, but, who would die for an enemy?
And that’s what His love did show, as Christ died for friend and foe.
He came down from Heaven above to save the unrighteous with His Love.
The world was so loved by The Lord that wrath upon Christ was poured.
The wicked cross by Christ was endured to reconcile man to The Lord.
Payment for sin was paid in full, so with Christ we could eternally rule.
A place in The Kingdom you will receive if you trust God and believe.
Believe and you won’t perish, just embrace the cross that we cherish.
If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that He was restored,
Restored to life from the grave, and my friend, you shall be saved.
And through The Lord Jesus Christ, you shall have Everlasting Life.
(Copyright ©10/2004)