God’s Final Remnant

Judgment will start in God’s Church, among all men who weekly perch,

Upon the pews looking their best, for some, only how they’re dressed.

In God’s Judgment, sound and sure, all false believers will not endure,

Those who have knowingly denied, to make heart change deep inside.

God will sift the Soldiers of Christ, from all who have no changed life,

Judging those, who do not belong, to His True Blood Bought Throng.

Just like the sheep and the goats, judging him, who spiritually gloats,

Through exalting them self, in pride, above those, who in Christ abide.

Some with a pure and contrite heart, serving God and doing their part,

Are at times hurt by others within, Christ’s Body when they tolerate sin,

And some, may not even belong, ignoring what we deem to be wrong,

Causing much hurt and undue strife, to members who truly love Christ.

How long will God’s Spirit contend, with all those who merely pretend,

That they belong to Christ’s Church, even without a true spiritual birth?

Bringing a Body that bears His name, time and again, hurt and shame,

Unconverted souls women and men, in the Church but not Born Again.

A remnant, God had used before, and a remnant, He’ll use once more,

This, at the end of this present age, before Christ turns that final page,

God will end with a remnant of those, who truly follow Christ who rose,

A final remnant, who truly believed, in the One, who they truly received.

(Copyright ©09/2009)

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