My heart will ache if this country sings a down song
it was far yesterday she got her freedom
from the modern slaves that freed her
from the dens, when the lions of her dens roared
The slave traders feared of dins grimmed around her bushes
The risings gave the hope and glory
That meant her weldening before white faces
Who bore her a blessing night that
Gave up her terrible nightmares that chased her with metal wedge
My heart will bear scars if this star black
refuses to drawn her dreams from the oneness
that would bear her race to the winning
my heart will narrow
if this sunshine loses her pride
that allow goers to tear her thicky robe with wicked blade
my soul will smear
if this moon hides his eyes
amid the falsiers dimples growing
in her arms that could clear with talc powder
my heart will ache if this rainbow sets at the moon's hive
as it could block the face of light
that expecting to superior her darknesses