the stricken light blinks in the eye of universe
instant message it passes lite the black sky's lamp
and goes down back to settle back on black damp
and winks to assist the groan of thunder adverse
it causes blind of cloud more numbers hours
and makes it sight rare numbers of hours
thunder begin howling roaring,whiskly rumble
the smiley rain scare by fumble
of thunder,started sweatweeping like hungry cannibals
as it shoots the bomb of restless shoutvals
suddenly stand down at centre of earth
it annoys onward horizon,back to zenith
punish tree intends to calm it
trees bow on great gory look
screaming the death tears
children run collapsely for fear
hiding under mother's garment
as first time witnessing eventful occasion
father bursted into laughter
as he sees it culture of nature
until breaks the bone of his eardrum
mother tramps as anxiety grows tall
where are children,my husband
seeking the favour of heaven