she trys about
making herself suffer out
the lash of GOD
beating her through hands of angels rod
are the angels wicked?
no they are not,waded
she rolled here there
on the bed for heir
and escape of LORD refuses to heed
she sought the sight of heaven
may be would look at her, even
but it's talk of no chance
as her head took to open the lost box
she denys the death as it intends her
kai! don't shake her,so wicked
as i can see,no doubt you can sleep
as big weep in the hand of heaven sent
he was so cunned,he can't forgive you
as he made us children as charity donors
our motherly experience has honoured
with the mind of inconcentration tend
can we be forgiven when she is no more around?
i will do like mother
can't do mother
like her no,like her not
as the life is the field of war
we fight,we win or defeat
we feel like ourselves
one by one will leave the earth
everyone is victim of death
our deeds are our own left legacy
when we have claimed by death
sure everybody is a death legacy