(T. Beechey)
I want to introduce this fellow to you and,once you meet him,you'll see too
That nothing he does is ever flawed cause he's the AMAZING TODD!
He's marvelous,wonderful,spectacular,great,incredible,sensational,top-notch and first-rate
And all the women say he has a hot bod...of course he does,he's the AMAZING TODD!
THE AMAZING TODD! THE AMAZING TODD! He can outrun the fastest hot rod
Nothing he does is ever slipshod! Next to him,Barishnykov's a clod
THE AMAZING TODD! THE AMAZING TODD! No greater man has ever trod
Upon this mortal earthly sod...the fantastic AMAZING TODD!
Whatever you've done,he's done better! You've heard of the Queen? Well,he's met her!
We simple folk would be called "odd" when compared to the AMAZING TODD!
Try to be him? No,I wouldn't dare! Nothing I'd do could even compare
All I can do is sit and nod and wish to be the AMAZING TODD!
THE AMAZING TODD! THE AMAZING TODD! He can outrun the fastest hot rod
Nothing he does is ever slipshod --- you should see all his money,a giant wad!
THE AMAZING TODD! THE AMAZING TODD! No greater man has ever trod
Upon this mortal earthly sod...the breathtaking AMAZING TODD!
He's dined with kings and wined with popes,in his gracious hands are all the workl's hopes
People have crawled and crept and clawed just to glimpse the AMAZING TODD!
He's the greatest man the world has known,in the world of greatness,he stands alone
He's the closest thing I know to God,let's hear it for the AMAZING TODD!
THE AMAZING TODD! THE AMAZING TODD! He can outrun the fastest hot rod
Nothing he does is ever slipshod with his massive arms and his shoulders broad
THE AMAZING TODD! THE AMAZING TODD! Upon this mortal earthly sod
The masses do wildly applaud the stupdendous AMAZING TODD!