(T. Beechey)
Once upon a time in a land far away where ivies climb and marmacets play
There lived a lad who had something to say about youth and truth and freedom
He firmly believed in that trilogy. "Great things I've achieved with those," said he
And wondered if others received the key to youth and truth and freedom
Twice upon a time in a land very near where lemons and limes grew wild every year
Lived another chap who also did cheer about youth and truth and freedom
"My life would have turned into a sham if I hadn't learned just who I am
"And the gifts I earned, kind sir and kind ma'am, are youth and truth and freedom."
The two were brothers, in fact, they were twins
With different mothers but similar sins
They tried to tell others that life begins
With youth and truth and freedom
Back and forth, some days without rest
South and north, east and west
For what it was worth, they were truly blessed
With youth and truth and freedom
They told their stories far and wide
About their glories and their pride
Through allegories of triumphant stride
By youth and truth and freedom
They sang with passion, they spoke with zeal
In such a fashion that would surely appeal
Nothing was rationed as they told how to heal
Through youth and truth and freedom
But nobody heard cause nobody cared, they called them "absurd" for having shared
Even one word of what they prepared about youth and truth and freedom
"You're crazy!" they yelled,"you both are insane! Perhaps you've dwelled too long in the rain!"
The people rebelled at the twins' refrain about youth and truth and freedom
The twins pointed out where they were wrong. Came the peoples' shout: "You don't belong!
"We don't care about your silly song of youth and truth and freedom!"
So they sent them away where none ever tread, then came that day when the people pled
Anyone to relay what the twins had said about youth and truth and freedom
"We need to know," the people cried
As the winds did blow and the rising tide
Crashed to and fro, "please, to us, confide
"About youth and truth and freedom!"
But nobody heard cause nobody cared
Till the end occurred and they grew scared
As their visions blurred, they prayed to be spared
By youth and truth and freedom
And the twins, they watched and witnessed it all and they notched a mark on the wall
To symbolize a botched civilization's fall without youth and truth and freedom