Next Rendezvous

A thing lies dormant (you are away)

of more loveliness than a fresh Spring day!

You're hidden, burrowed down within me!


I feel you, and I know your love in me --

seen clearly as through a topaz sea --

the loving thing that lies within me!


Nothing hides you, your love, your grace!

Naught obscures nor veils your face! --

more alive than a heart can reach or see!


Nothing in this vain separating veil

can unbind our souls, make our Love fail! 

O! tryst and quest of Love's bird set free!


My molding, fondling, weaving -- yearning most! -- 

in those purple streams that link brain and breast --

lead to release of your gasps for me!


My writhing bowels persuade my heart

to spasm into you my hot sensual part;

through motive and seminal bursts from me!  


I'm not the dear man who warms your home,

nor provides for, feeds you, keeps you warm -- 

yet you've saved a dear place of your heart for me!


Was it night or day when first our heart knew

our diamonds were not grass graced with dew!

No more tears, but joy!  Love!  You and I, free!

Rendezvous Day!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

She is coming  back to me this month!  This long poem is actually based on a shorter work by Emily Dickinson.