THERE WAS A MOMENT when the whole delight of life was in my gaze;
THERE WAS A MOMENT when all the Graces of a Spring’s day were close enough to be touched;
THERE WAS A MOMENT when I looked into the warmest, bluest, loveliest eyes I had ever seen in my life. This was an unforgettable moment;
THERE WAS A MOMENT when all of the joy and delight and hopes that the heart of a man of tenderness could ever hope to know were in the same space where I was. So I wrote out my feelings and gave them to the one who was stirring my soul so deeply;
THERE WAS A MOMENT when I began to hold my breath, cross my fingers, hope to find a “lucky-penny” or four-leaved clover, all while wishing that the object of heart would respond with just a smile;
THERE WAS A MOMENT when I didn’t know which of those might work, but I am still hoping ! !