With frozen repulse, and contempt 

 I spit on your grave

 You, the author of the roads that lead us this far

 I honor you disgrace for farewell

 Let your spirit tally like pendulum ring in oval of timeless struggle

 As your boot laden our boneless faces with grieve.


 With fury and brazen temper

 I spit on your graves

 You, the  rulers of our ugly history 

 I gift your demise a doting sleeve 

 As your tyrant strength abuse our comfort

 Let your spirit lock where the road ceases


 You that blesses us the hope of phantom living

 And lashes us the whip of impunity

 I spit on your grave 

 And deny you the victory to laugh last

 I spit on your grave

 You, the brutish that seat on our progress

 You, that relish the mockery from our daily wailings

 Let your spirit meet the earth where it cannot voice its yearnings.


 You, the Judas that repress our race

 I deny you the benefit of soulful honor

 I spit on your grave

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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