Never again be whole

As I sit here with despair in my heart

I feel all the love we have falling apart

You are unable to provide the bare minimum to me

This shows me the eventually that I will leave

You do not have any respect for me


Maybe somewhere along the line 

I knew this day would come

Could I have imagined all the things you kept from me


I was not aware that you were so disgusting


Secret texts

secret pictures and videos

long conversations

plans to hook up

Why is it that I am never enough


Are you no longer attracted to me

Have we been in this too long

Why make the choice to do things behind my back

Just leave 

I'm not keeping you here

I want you here for some painful reason


You've made me addicted to you

addicted to the pain

addicted to the bare minimum you provide

I am use to nothing

I am nothing

I feel empty inside until you bring me to life

The only time i feel seen or heard is when were fucking

or sexual banter

Why do I allow you to treat me this way


I need to leave 

says my mind

My heart wants to stay


Fuck you

Fuck this

I am more than enough

Some day I will leave 

Some day I will go

Until then

I will continue with this journey alone


Thanks for turning into the person 

I never could have imagined

Kudos to you for this act you held up so long

Say goodbye to the girl that you use to know

I am a fucking shell of a person

I will never again be whole