Moving on reclutantly

I hope I was something else to you when I meant something.

I feel the pain of last years were too much for anyone to bare.

Was it destiny that I got the time I had with you, then only to lose it all.

What will remain for me, than you just move on?

Moving on to me was the pain, hardest to weight to carry, ever in my life.

Am I moving on or stuck on limbo, constructed memories of you, my lost love.

Do you think about me, or feel the same? Never you told me why you had to leave but that we're too different.

Was it honest or was it lie to sweeten the real truth, that I will never know. Do I care anymore?

Only your memories remain, they shoot my head like thousand needles.

I walk this path you forced, trying to go forward in a fog of life. 

The sun is not shining on me, the wind does not feel on my face. I am so numb.

But still I don't feel, ever to unwish our path. It ended, now I am forced to move on.


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