Shining out of the darkness you stand weathering every storm...
Lending your light to those who find it hard to see their way.
I wonder if it's appreciated. Does anyone wonder what they would do without you?
Stormy weather, dangerous rocks, troubled waters, even when sight may be dimmed, or maybe clouded...
Still you remain, reaching out...Saying follow my light, it's here for you, ready to help lead you safely to the shore.
Yes it would be much more dangerous trying to find the way alone...Still, I wonder if you're appreciated...
I'm sure it gets lonely watching so many pass you by...Preventing collision in treacherous situations...
Always standing bright and strong, maybe noticed when needed but quickly forgotten...
It's safe now, out of sight out of mind...
I, for one pray your light never goes out...and yes, you are appreciated
Standing proudly in the darkness helping others that they too may weather the storm
So glad you're there to be my guiding light....