M-indful of others
I-s what makes me me
S-ensitive to the needs of others
U-niquely unselfish-yet no one can see
N-ever to be forgotten though many have tried
D-estined to carry your burdens as though they
....were mine
E-arnest to a fault-I'm always sincere
R-eaching for true love but no one is there
S-pecial I admit-a definite rare jewel
T-o be protected and cherished not used and
O-vercome with love for the one who will tear
....these walls
O-verwhelmed by desire for the man who can
....make me fall
D-etached from my emotions...I won't be hurt again
T-o take me for granted is to lose what might have
....have been
O-ne chance is all you get so please proceed with
O-nly true love will claim me-tread lightly if you dare