Cold, slithery, long, creepy,

There they lie in cages

Waiting to be drawn of their

Blood by modern-day draculas

Who flock from all over the globe

To taste this exotic and

Mind boggling aphrodisiac.

Like the legendary Dracula

Who needed warm blood to keep himself alive,

They crave for this reptilian blood

To boost their manhood

Which spawns this unimaginable trade

That spells havoc for these creatures.

Hundreds are captured and

Mercilessly brought to

This Southern Thai town of Haadyai

Where they have their poison drawn,

Slit, galls gouged out

And drained of their blood.

Mixed with herbs,

Gall and wine

Snake blood is said to do wonders to health.

Like what the Koreans say about dog meat

Or what the Chinese say about tiger's penis,

Shark's fins, bear's bile, crocodile's penis,

rhinocerous horns, monkey brains, foetuses...

A wanton belief that will leave us one day

Very lonely in the animal world!


In Islam is a beautiful

and poignant verse

which exhorts men to

Care for animals, pity

Them for their helplessness and

In Buddhism not to kill them.

If only the animals could read,

They would probably be

The first adherents

Of these great religions.

Buddhism is safe and sound

Garnering even a following

In Catholic France, making

It the third largest religion there.

Islam is, however, muddled by sects in

Divisive activities

Actually shunned by

Almighty Allah

Who exhorts in the Koran

That followers should stay united

Heart and soul.

A religion that has stood up

Even for animals has been degraded

By self-righteous militants

Who have ears that dont hear

And hearts that dont feel.

The world watches in awe

As they break every tenet

Of their religion but

In Allah's name.


Bruno, Bruno

Where are you?

Are you scaling Batu Lawi?

Are you still up there on Batu Lawi?

Are you still with your

Beloved Borneo tribes?

Where are you Bruno?

Your family are waiting

Your friends are waiting

For you back in Basel

Missing you day and night

Your tribal comrades too

Are longing to see your

Courageous face again

Missing your inspiration

Bruno, Bruno

Are you really on the run?

Away from those

Who are on your heels?

Away from those

Who swear to put

You behind bars?

Away from those

Who wish to send

You back home?

Bruno, Bruno

You are brave

Your are adventurous

You are indomitable

In fighting for your beloved

Borneo brethrens

But Bruno, Bruno

It is a lost cause

Isn't it?

Is there a better

Way to stand up for them?

Is there a better

Way to stand up for them?

Bruno, Bruno

But where are you?

Are you still up there on Batu Lawi?

Are you still up there on Batu Lawi?

Poem Title: MY CHILD (1)


My child

Read this book

Mother has bought for you

After which

Mother will bring you for

The usual evening walk

Through the greenery

Rejoicing under the

Light of dusk

With your innocent voice

Filling the air

Remember not to run too far away

Don't hurt those little lives

I know you want to catch

Those jumping insects

To feed your colourful fishes

At home

Leave them alone

Play around

Let's be good friends

With all living creatures around

My child

Your teacher has taught you to sing

Some sweet songs today

Sing them now

And sing them loud

As you run on your little two feet

Mum feels the love for you

Even more in this

Wonderful environment

Of sublime beauty

Those myriad flowers

Welcoming us with

Scintillating fragrances

Bright red roses

Morning glory

Wild orchids

And the hynotic chirping

Of the little birds

In the nearby trees

Welcoming each other

Back to roost

And sharing

Their adventures

Of the day

My child

Let's go home

Dont say ''No''

It will be too late

Once the sun goes to sleep

Darkness will set in

Turn around

And be home

For your study

And bedtime stories

And then sleep sweetly

Till the sun rises again

Brining us the cheers

And promises of another

Wholesome day

Poem Title: TOKYO (0)


A city of many many millions

A throbbing city with

A thousand dreams

And a painful past

Earthquakes, fires, killings,

Allied bombings, palace intrigues

Power struggles and

Religious persecutions

Never douse its forward

Matching spirit to the fore

Of technology, fashion, ideas,

Knowledge and world peace

A city that has astounded the

World with its mindboggling transformation

From feudal backgrounds to

Modernity and world's top in less

Than a century never

Fails to fascinate a foreigner

With its contrasts between

The old and the new

The Occident and the Orient

A geisha walking under her

colourful parasol

in the midst

Of modern skyscrapers

An emotion charged enka played

Amid catchy modern hits

Old Chinese inspired temples, jinjas

And pagodas with up-to-date facilities

The only city in the world

That forever renounces war

In its constitution

This is Tokyo, a city fortunate

Enough to have Van Goh's Sunflower

Nobel-prize writer Yasunari Kawabata

Oscar Samurai celluloid creator Akira Kurosawa

The blessings of Sungoddess Amaterasu

And auspices of the world's oldest monarchy

The next great earthquake

Predicted to strike anytime

Doesnt seem to dim the enthusiasm of

Its populace who seek out every

Inch of land here for

More development!

Poem Title: Puzzles (2)


Immense is God's love for men that

He not only keeps them companied

But amused and entertained

Through his ubiquitous

Puzzle games intricately

worked out for them the sky, in the oceans,

In the mountains.... everywhere

If only they care to seek them out.

To boost their enthusiasm

In this mind racking tournament,

A rich reward awaits

Each puzzle solved

As can be seen from

Watt's answer to his rattling kettle

That won us the locomotive

Or Jenner's answer to the

Uninfected dairymaids that

Won us the vaccine for smallpox

Or Fleming's answer to the growth

On his petri dishes that

Won us the penicilin

Or Einstein's answer to

The mechanics of space

That won us the

Theory of relativity

Enlightening us much about

speed, time, light and distance

And the possibility of space travel.

Wonder who will solve the ultimate

Puzzle, death, which will win

For each of us a permanent place

In this world!


Big silver black bee with a yellow

Spot on its back, a constant visitor

To my garden, never missed in the afternoon

Performing a scintillating dance

Of cheers buttressed by its own music

Brightening up the atmosphere of the garden

Enhancing its heartrending beauty of

Sunflowers, roses, chrysanthemuns

The familiar alluvial smell

And the welcome jeers of my son

Also dear to our hearts are

The butterflies, the multi-hued

Insects with their graceful flaps

And inquisitive disposition

Darting around picking

The best blooms for their saps

Winning a thousand praises from

Us of their short sojourn

As we savour our afternoon tea



From the cocoa of Ghana

With the sugar from Cuba

Comes the sweet paste for the world

To build love for all

For our children

To share the sweetness from heaven

For the depressed

To loosen up on their stress

The best gifts for valentine

Till Christmas time

For the rich and poor alike

To brighten up their life

Also mixed with tarts

For a good-day start

Chocolate, chocolate, sweet chocolate

Dont ever forget them for any date

Always present them

When playing the love game

Poem Title: Death (0)


The last breath

The most feared moment

Even by the greatest of Kings

The Pharoahs, Shih Huang Ti,

The Mayan Rulers

Their extravagant burial monuments

The merciless massacres of slaves

At their last rites

Testimonies to their grim refusal

To give up on this world

Till thy kingdom come...

The line that brought many

Comforts to those kicking the bucket

A promised afterlife

For me, the last breath

A moment of greatest discovery

A revelation of secrets

Kept in the vault of the Creator?

A moment pro to nothingness?

A meeting with shining angels?

Me, dancing in the clouds?

Becoming a ball of fire?

A heaven? A hell?

A million questions answered

In earnest I wait...

Everything will be revealed

A great moment indeed!

Poem Title: Twins (0)


Two of a kind

A surprise gift from the most high

That brought so much cheer

To me and my dear

Till I found out the real tale

That caring them would entail

A whimper here and a scream there

So often turning my face so pale

One pee now and one pee then

Making the night like a drain

The worst came when one fell sick

When my heart would turn like a brick

To make them sleep separate way

One down here and one up there

One with me and one with my dear

Till the doctor gave his care

The greatest joke was to come

When both were called a damn

Because the teacher could not

Differentiate Dan from Pam!

Poem Title: Landmines (0)


Tearjerkers told about grisly hands and legs

Taken by the fields while in earnest toil.

Human intelligence and endeavours wrongly expressed

That have taken a toll on the world,

Ruining lands and overturning hopes and dreams.

A protracted war after a surrender,

More deadly than real combats.

Random a sleeping

Lion that snarls anyone crossing his path

Or a scorpion that strikes anyone

Unaware of its presence;

Our productive fields abandoned to

The winds, rains and mines,

Our stomachs grumble and tumble.

Poem Title: Ants (0)


A frantic line

Some go up

Some go down

On their rickety

Tiny string legs

Tick tat tick tat

Each a nurse

Running along

With that

Inherent eagerness

To serve

So admirable

This nature's

Inborn intelligence

Wrapped in so small

A brain

All in royal service

To the world's

Smallest monarchy

Some with big heads

Some with small

Such mind-boggling

Uniformity in so small

A world

That rivals even

The courtesans of

Elizabeth II

All serving the big

Round one

Laying egg after egg

Day after day

Her world bound

Around her abodmen

Up and down

Down and Up

The loyal

Servants run

A microcosm of the

World in our eyes

Poem Title: A Rainbow (0)


A groan still roars

In the private quarters

Of many slowly healing

Shattered hearts

Like the roar of a tempest

That could even dim

The evil spewing crashes

That tore down the proud symbol

Of American Success last autumn;

A dolorous cry restrained

But reveberates in a spasm

Of agony made worse in

The dead of night by

The poignant memories of

Loved ones' sudden demise,

A loss that only relentless

Prayers could help mend.

Far away, a Noah-styled rainbow

Crowns the sky; a heaven's

Promise to end pain and drain?

In earnest, we all pray

For a better tomorrow;

A world free from misunderstandigs,

Religious bigotry, riots,

Hypocritism, racism

And ruinous power struggles.

Has any civilisation ever

Really gained from these?

Poem Title: Sept 11, Now and Then (0)


Seldom do we see such

A wide spectrum of New Yorkers

On display on radios, on televisions;

Such a melange of talents.

New Yorkers, New Yorkers,

A maze of talents most

Recognisable in your clearcut

Accents, a reflection of a

Well-disciplined mind

That has bloomed in words

From the mouth.

Most of the public interviewed

Talked in such a glib and professional

Manner rivalling even

The well-polished media personalities;

New Yorkers, New Yorkers,

The planes that tore down

The symbol of American success

Never even dent the real

Symbols which remain

Forever an intrigue

To the world audience.

Poem Title: Carps - Fish of Luck (0)


Dad bought three carps

So bright so graceful

So colourful

Their debut dance in the pool

Casting an auspicious element

Here and there

Chasing away ill fortune

Fish of fengshui

Fish of triumph

So ideal in gearing up luck

The wondrous crystal water

Sings a welcome song

In accompaniment to

Their heartwarming dance

The fishes in excellent moods

Swirl around inviting us

To follow in

Their steps of fortune

Poem Title: KINDERGARTEN (1)


Unforgettable it is, the ebullient pretty

shoulder-length hair teacher who coloured

our kindergarten year in red and blue

casting a torrent of fun our way

with her unforgettable songs and games.

ABCDEFG the first line we were taught to sing

and leading us all the way to Z with her

bamboo stick for the up and down of the tune

and much-needed spank when our little brain went astray.

It was the only time in school when parents,

brothers, sisters and even maids would come

Lining up at the stairs for our break and time for home.

It made the other school going years less exciting.

How nice if papa and mama would still be at the

window to see and hear me sing.

Poem Title: Slavery (0)


Thank God I am a free man

Born of this great modern age

When my legs could carry

Me to where I would like

To be, when I could eat

Whatever I would like.

Thank God I am a free man

That I do not have to

Fight with lions to cheer

Up a bored audience,

That I do not have to

Be locked up with a dead King

To die a slow painful death to

Serve him in the hereafter or

To be castrated to serve his


Thank God I am a free man

That I do not have to

Put up with years of beatings and death

Threats to move huge boulders

Up mountains and to deserts

To build megaliths

To boost the egos of

Some power crazy megalomaniacs.

Thank God for making

Me a free man

That I do not have to

Perpetually live in fear

Of rape and other body abuse

At the whims and fancies

Of another human being

Like myself, without access to law.

Thank God that I am a free man

That I do not have to serve

As shields on war's front line

A target for killings.

Thank God for being the first

To speak out for the

Proper treatment of slaves

And inspiring great men like Abraham Lincoln,

Hugh Low and all nations

To put human dignity on

Its rightful place

So that the days when

One's comforts meant

Another's miseries

Are finally over.

Thanks also for all great men

Who help make

This world a more livable

Place including those who

Are responsible for

All the modern technologies

That bring easier

Life to mankind; they lessen

One's craving for slaves

To do the drudgeries.

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