
his termination

the staff asks boss

where he should go next

his secretary's name

in his sleep

wife wakes him up with a slap

she throws

son's black cat out

her paths

she casts

three lines over world

the dream to bring it closer

winter pond

i walk on to touch

the trapped bough


it's a blessing

getting to know you

you lift the world's curtain

helping me see the

five billion worlds encased within


the clink of

next-door gate

spike fencing -

a shrivelled leaf

pierced right through

soccer match

the balls swirling

between the legs

wedding -

the only contract that binds

two bodies together

crowded elevator -

all the perfumes that suddenly

turn fetid

remembering his

first complaint - the baby's

kick in the womb

a flock of ducks

quacking, flapping, waddling

partying in a rainstorm lake

tying auntie's hair

round the bed grills for stealing

to the late movie

catching up

a child runs with his little

underpant in his feet

his cool and fresh breath

musculine frame

on these frigid nights

drive me to deep pits

of insecurity, agony


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