Apples, Oranges, and Organs

I was in the store the other day

Browsing through the produce section

Where they keep the oranges, apples

And the organs.

When I came across a boy

With a furrowed brow

And a lost frown

He was staring at these hearts

Picking them up

And putting them back.

He seemed not to know

Which to choose

Or what to do.

Now, I was looked

At my own heart,

Held it out

It was in good condition

A little damaged

But it had been grown

Without pesticides

And chemicals.

So I sighed and passed it over.

He smiled a little

Handled it

Then oh so carefully

Dropped it on the floor.

I was standing

Mouth gaped in disbelief

Of such impertinence.

He picked it up

From under the freezers

Covered in dust and dirt

Spotted and discolored

And slightly bruised

A lost lollypop

Stabbed through the left ventricle.

He just shrugged

Found a new one

And walked away.

He could have at least

Dusted it off a bit.

But instead, I fade

In a daze

Staring at this

Heart covered in debris.

Now, what am I supposed to do with this?

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