Dreams Fulfilled

The lights are getting brighter. It’s like a scene from a movie. The warmth of the light is now calling me forward. I was in my bed, but now engulfed by the curious beams I stand exposed at the window. The notion to run lingers in my mind, but only for a second. Jolts of energy are being pumped through the joints of my body. Emerged into the light I am guided out of the space that contained me. As I’m pulled into the light hands embrace me, but not ordinary hands. These hands are rounded at the top as if marbles were glued to the tips of each finger. My life long wish is being completed. The people who laughed at me and blamed my theories on alcohol fade away from my memory. New life has been brought to me by the life beyond my own. I can imagine that this feeling is very similar to those of an orphan meeting his or her mother or father for the first time. I’m home. Wait! Darkness fills the emptiness around me. Those oh so gentle hands of before are now sharp and clingy. Now in a purple light filled room I am pulled onto what seems to be a table. The pain from needles being jabbed into all parts of my body fills my mind. In panic I scream out only to find no sound. Where my voice was is silence. My vocal cords are rearranged to ensure no sound is expelled from my lips. In a rebellious effort I push my arms out and find cold spiky calloused bodies on both sides of me. As I pull my limbs back in despair an excruciating pain jumps up my spine. A hand is placed on my face an time itself feels to of stopped.

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