
God isee alot of hate  and also people hating there mate.

The killings had increase and I know  they must decrease but I

do not know how  it shall be or when  come to past  but I know

you have an plan for my life  not to harm me  but to give me

a good future.  I also face perseution  but not by people  

hiting  me  but by words. I been called  satan,  other people

say I'm in a ocult. others say I am trick but my lord and my

God as thomas said  that  you Jesus christ  are my lord and my

God.  I do  not pray  for revenge of my foes  but you to love

them and  help them find you.  I do not pray  you to hurt them

but to give them somehow an sign saying I'm here for you.

I been mock befor people saying I am evil  but God  I know you

have my life in your hands and no one can pluck me out of

my father hands. Help mine foes  do not bring  sorrow to them

for this I pray  amen.   too all those  who may hate me  because

of what I beleive and worship  I love you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

to let  people Know the truth about Jesus and his disciples and how they are to act. jesus said love thoses  jusr like I had love you.  one my my favorite verse are john 14:6

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