
The Human

The Human has a natural social regression technique where, depending upon decisions that the Human has made in its mind, decides to expand it, dilute it, or to leave it be.


This allows it to affect the flux of outcomes, even though it does not fully control it. The Human enjoys manipulating events using this technique, and for no apparent reason than that for a random decision made in its mind (we have not been able to set up a successful implant upon its nervous system, and we cannot see any pattern to its apparent ‘choices’, so we have no definite facts about the ‘choices’ it makes)


The Human has the ability to choose, which we have never been able to do Ourselves. Yet it puzzles Us as to why it decides on such random (We’re afraid to say this, but it probably is the best term to use in this case) instincts. Sometimes, the human causes pain. Other times, it does absolutely nothing. But occasionally, it makes a happy outcome…





We still have to find the correct definition of happiness. Something tells us that the answer is in the Human.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

We are the Ones looking for an Answer. We are the Scholars of Life. We rule Knowledge. Our Mother was Nature, Our Father was Evolution. Together, they made LIFE! And so we dedicated ourselves unto it. We have found a number of infinity minus one answers. Clearly, we are still missing one. The answer lies in the humans, We know it. We have tried, for the past 14 billion years to find an answer. The humans have been most beneficent in helping us answer it. But We have not found it yet. This last mystery solved, and We’d have found all answers, an infinite number of answers. But no, we only have infinite minus one. Oh, woe unto Us!..

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