the world

this world is so bright
so many people shine
they posses this joy that spreads
yet when theres no one around
when the eyes of others aren't around
that light fades
they lose the fake smile
the fake cheer thrown away
why do they hide
why do they act so joyful
to make others happy?
yet some walk along as a shadow
no one notices as he walks by them
he see's the light fall to an ember
why fake being happy?
he walks along the same path
just a shadow watching all
as they hide who they are
is he any diffrent?
as he hides in the shadows
a fake bumps into him
once she realizes someone is there
its like a light switch
that fake smile and light
but the tears are still there
he seems to notice the tears
they stand there it seems like forver
then he wipes her tears and walks on
back to the shadows
she stands shocked
but the light changed
a true smile appears
a simple gesture
from a shadow
brings true light.

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