The Reverence of Youth

And as childhood fades in awkward sprouts,

Doors swing open to the promised land; 

To the world of coveted laws

That were once lauded over you. 

That world is wide to a youthful stride

And beauty is found at face.


But time has since rampened

With your ground now found,

And colours have dampened.

Your outlook is stained 

By a brightness now feigned

And that youth will be revered hereonward. 


But what is it of youth that draws our longing minds?

That which we carry with our growing brains;

Held abreast with time?

I believe what we mourn is the ease

With which we were pleased. 

Those pleasures we stumbled upon;

Found but not owned,

And tossed aside for the next. 


So now they are few and far between.

Now they are moments to be savoured

As chapters to reach

Rather than pages to flick through. 


But whilst we long for simplicity again,

May you be comforted in the idea that

While youth is wasted on the young,

Growing up is wasted on the reminiscent. 


Novelty brings pleasures renowned

But maturity brings more pleasures profound. 

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