Missing Out?


I gave in,
I gave up.


Maybe I should of held
on longer,
fought harder.

But for what?

To prolong the feelings,
to pause the inevitable?


It would only be harder
later on,
maybe turn a blind eye.


It was the first,
hopefully it won't be
the last.


Or would it?
Could it be?
I don't care.


It was all the hoopla
and excitement
everyone else makes.


And I caught up in it,
giving opinion,
and my own thoughts.


On something I
didn't know,
my ignorance.


Maybe she was
the only one who could
past my flaws.


Her unconditional view of me
went beyond words,
very special, and rare.


Do I dare to hope
for another to see
me in the same light?


Do I dare try again?
Maybe my first
was my last.


I do not know,
yet somehow
I still don't care.


I sacrificed the one
thing I held scared to me,
my idol, my desire.


And I gave it up,
maybe I don't treasure the idea
as I used to.


The crowd swayed me,
glamored it up,
and made it something else entirely.


I crossed that line,
and started to see things
in a different perspective.


My new opinion created,
and my realization,
that I am not missing out.

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