You Sick Fuckin' Roach

The People

To my dearest and most supportive aunt:
I have commandeered this extravagantly feminine notebook, so...
You might not get it back, but it will be put to good use.
Just think of it as-
One more thing I'm sorry for,
One more thing I owe you.
I love you, and...
I appreciate your assistance with my ventilation.
From my worst habits, to my best opinions,
Your patience with me mends my mind.
Please understand that you truly are a wonderful person.
We're fixing years of fucked up,
Trying to feel good as we go,
Because you know we both know:
Me, Bri, you and your three.
This is our family.
This is all we need.
Every single line, I just couldn't mean more.
Too bad there's just a handful more.
Nothing fancy, I'm just sayin'...
As sure as you don't shit, I'm eternally grateful.
You sheltered me when you didn't have to,
Though nobody else had to.
I just hope I don't fuck up.
And that's pretty much it.
Oh, one more thing. Most importantly, you can't forget...


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