i think i'm going crazy

my mind is so far gone that i don't even know if i'm going crazy. and if this world is supposed to be my refuge why do i feel like fleeing. discontent. discontent, and no one will never know how. i'm too good at pleasing everyone else, oscar caliber i believe. letting everyone be content in what they want me to be. slowly but surely, my mind's going and i'm thinking, wondering, thinking, worrying... who's watching out for me? and people wonder why this what i do. why they see less of my face and hear less of my voice. this is what i do. in my own little world. my own little world where i rule supreme... no one to microscopically dissect me. push me, pull me, demand me be. i don’t even no if this is where I’m supposed to be. confusion filled cortex, constantly considering to consider changing. no wonder why i think i'm going crazy.  

Robyn V. Evans

© 2002

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