This one time,
when I was younger,
I had an encounter
with a blue robin's egg.
I was about six,
and was walking up my street,
wearing nothing on my bear feet.
It was the night after a storm.
I was hyper,
and started goofing around.
This was when I found
the little blue egg.
I look up and saw,
several feet above me,
a bird's nest in a tree.
That was where the egg fell from.
I knelt a little and
carefully put my hands around
the egg, and lifted it off the ground.
I then started walking back home.
I walked slowly,
and at a steady pace.
I wan't going to race
home and risk dropping my egg!
When I finally got home,
I showed my mom my find,
which was, in my mind,
now mine.
So we got a box,
placing a cloth that was red,
inside for my egg's bed,
and then I was almost done.
So I closed the box,
so my egg would be protected by it,
like a ball in a baseball mit.
But it didn't work.
I had pushed too hard,
and the flaps closed too much.
I suddenly heard a crunch!
I flung the flaps back open.
The sight was horrible!
To my horror,
my egg was no more.
I had killed my baby robin!