Flight Regulations

since conception

ive tried to please you

achieve for you

grow into something worth breathing and calling life a gift

not a disease

but is it my disease

is it the lack of what i achieve

if you never trust me, how can i trust you

if you never have faith in me, how can i ever have faith in you

more importantly

how can i trust myself

how can i have faith in myself

how can i ever believe in anything that no one ever has

more importantly

if you never let me go, how can i fly




but not used

these are my wings





if you never unlock the door

trust me with the keys to myself

if you never let me, how can i

how can i fly

if you never even let me try

and the pressures of my surroundings

burn my skin

pick at scabs

become scar tissue

destroy my lungs

steal my breath

capture the essence of my spirit

still in the cage

still on lockdown

my wings are growing and shattering and tearing as they meet these bars

just because no one let you out until it was too late for you

why does it have to be too late for me

why cant i spread my wings

why cant i fly

and when im finally let out

will i even care anymore

as the weight of the years crucshes any desire

when i finally break free

i will fall

i will die

i will be weak

just like you

thank you

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