Drifting Thoughts of a Maiden Fair

the boy rolls his old hockey puck across his stained carpeting

paging through the pages of some batman comic

but today his minds not on bats and capes and cats

or clowns, or plant crazed super villains

they drift out the window, through semi blue skies

to rest on their bullet train of fluffy white clouds

five states or five hundred some miles

the mind makes a commute to somewhere else

it finds the girl and floats, unnoticed above her head

taking in  every detail about her, the way she talks, moves

all her beauty takes in the mind and swallows it whole

and it lingers there, savoring every glance and stare directed at her

dreams are created of which in boy and girl are one

happy together, in the sand by the beach, tide flowing in

and then the puck falls, in a second shattering the cloud

and the mind flies back, the game of heartache takes the ice

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