Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

A trusted friend 

A source of comfort

A safe and caring listener 


Let not her cries quicken the beat of your hungry heart

Imagined blood

Causing the brain to salivate 

Heaving breath draws memory into lungs

Eyes widen from the sweet flavor


Providing support

Shared celebrations

Shared sorrows 


Let not her tears trigger the mechanisms of your mind 

Imagined responsibility

Causing turmoil in the soul of the savior


The lost child skips gayly on the edge of the wood

Chasing a butterfly she cannot catch


I lurk amidst dark green pines 


So not to startle 


Seeing the stone in her path 

And the crimson that will be painted on her knees 


Sparkling tears decorate fallen leaves and mushroom caps

For she must welcome the stone before she can welcome me. 

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