Once upon a time
I was down upon my knees
Praying and imagining for you to discover me
I imagined you long ago and I am now sold
That it was destiny that brought us together
High above
The moon shines down on those cold and lonely nights
Those were the nights were we didn't have each other
Those nights when we needed each other
But now your eyes take me in
To that soul I want to mend
Now only your smile needs to shine because
We have each other on those warm and lovely nights
Your skin is so warm and it melts these eyes that are glazed on you
Temperature rises and this feeling is so insatiable
Because I only need you
How precious are your eyes and oh how they reveal your soul
That precious soul and that precious heart of yours
I will always hold onto them because they're worth more than the world
Nothing compares to when your lips meet mine in the battlefield of love
We will travel to new lands but we will never lose each other
I will always be your shoulder to cry on when you need to move on
So long as you keep smiling, you will keep this generator of my heart running
My beautiful darling
Never give up and never surrender and always be bright
For you are my wish upon a bright star