
dangerous weakling, telling myself, 'max, thoughts like that aren't very nice,'

feel unsatisfied, feel disgusting like the after-effects of masturbating twice,

just so you'll look even once, desire to flaunt the most unsightly,

everyone i know, tied with the thinnest of string not even fortnightly,

no one cares blah blah blah, accept yet secretly reject the polite excuses,

freedom? like offering the condemned a choice of different colored nooses,

difficulty regulating emotion, traveling bittersweet,

couples everywhere, crammed alone in my airplane seat,

continue with the sing-song shittiness,

hop-scotch bourbon-filled faux-suede giddiness,

serial killers - on a quest to confirm the lack of purpose in all,

why go to the extreme?

same effect watching reality shows - the kiddies at your local mall,

so desperately delusional, inject mythical meaning into everyday events,

'cashier desires me,' what else explains her overpayment of 25 cents?

twisted in three directions, human rubik's 6-sided box,

twisted around and around, human numbers on combination locks.

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