Respected shame

How can you look,

With your head held high while mines held low,

How can you be proud of me, when I’m not proud of myself,

And clap for me, when I cry for myself.

How can you look at me,

And be happy when I’m sad,

Like what I’ve done when I don’t,

Be glad I did it when I wish I hadn’t.

How can you look at me, when I can’t,

And smile while I frown,

Hold me high when I feel so low,

Call me a winner when I’m the loser.

How can you look at me, when I can’t look at myself,

And congratulate me when I’ve failed,

Raise my arm, when I think I lost,

And respect me for something, I’m ashamed of doing.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

but will i do it again

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