Roses are red, Violets are blue, the end may be coming, but luckily not for you.


Chivalry is dead, war is our glue, death is the beginning, life is purgatory.


Lovers to wed, haters will boo, feeling are worthless, and my life is too.


Flowers are beautiful, but also a lie, to give out a rose, is to cover a truth.


Violets are purple, this poem is Judge, Jury and Executioner, the words are its sentence, and the penalty is information.


We tell each other lies, and convince ourselves they're true, just to feel better when the world falls apart around us, but its okay.


This poem stopped rhyming, and theres a reason for it.


Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


And an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


So Stop judging others, for mistakes and poor choices.


Instead look to thier futures, they might be brighter than yours.


Roses are red, We are the same people, So tell someone they are loved, even if they feel alone.


People are People. We are all ONE.


Words can be weapons, just like a gun.


But Information is ammunition, and its deadlier than bullets.


Cause telling someone you love them, can save them in turn.


Maybe one day that person you saved, will come back and save you when you crash and burn.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Thank you for reading. I hope everyone is doing well during this "crisis". Remember to love yourself and others.

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