You Have to See My Side

you said that you love me and that you wouldnt be like this anymore. you said that you wouldnt get mad at me as quick as you used to. you said that you would change and be like you used to be. you said that you would never use me for sex. you said that you dont talk about me badly anymore. you say that i give guilt trips yet i make sure that you always get your way. you know that you are spoiled by me yet for some reason you dont want me anymore. i can leave if thats what you would prefer. leave me and dont worry about my "complaining" and "guilt trips" anymore. either way i will always love you jake and i wont ever let go. as much as it pains me to say it i think that you dont love me and that you are wanting to be with other people. i think that we are at our end and you dont care anymore. i never got in your way of your paintballing and i never ever tried to get you to stop. i supported you and wanted you to have what you wanted in it. i gave you my all and this is where i need to know what you want. i need to know if you are done with me or if you are going to actually show me that you love me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i dont know how to act and i dont know why things are the way they are now, but im going to just go along with what ever happens

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