Nothing But You

Since I barely had you I shouldn't have had to do half the things I had to just to get past you. It's as if I couldn't grasp you. An equation too complex for a predator of the apex. So to the gazelle I fell and began my trip through hell. Wishing for the perfect swell to carry me to shore so I may no no more of this drowning. Scowling, as what was once my rose had begun it's browning. Now I know our season is at it's end, but another is just around the bend. So can we take the time to mend what broken, or are you out of rides, and me out of tokens. I hope you don't think that I'm joking. See, I'm spilling these thoughts and feelings on to you hoping that they'll change your mind. For I feel I'm out of time to make you mine. And the feelings that I once flowed through smoothly have begun to feel with rust making it hard to want to earn your trust. I know I must keep pushing. I know I've found for what I was looking. Now I could start crooning the words of luther, but to my upbringing I must stay true. Nothing even matters, nothing but you. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm also a spoken word poem, and I call this my signature piece. Mostly because it's one of the few poems I've memorized. Which I suck at doing. I'm working on it though.