I was in the mall the other day
Looking for a gift
When a couple started fighting
The woman, she was miffed!
The woman screamed 'You promised me!
Told me you'd get it, you lying slime!
The man said 'I told you, yes I'll get it
But not at the present time!'
His words, they got me thinking
It makes no kind of sense
Isn't the present time
The best time to give presents?
If you don't give presents at the present time
I'm afraid you will find
You're not thinking very clearly
You don't have the presence of mind
If you don't have the presence of mind
It means you're not all there
And if you're not all there, you're not present
So, why should I even care?
I don't mind giving presents
I give them all the time
But it presents a major problem
If I can only give presents at the present time!