The story of Millie

There once was a gal named Millie

Who sometimes would act pretty silly 

She'd go out on a date

With a guy she would hate

Think 'Will he tell me he loves me? Will he?'


Millie met a guy named Terry

How hard did she fall for him? Very 

He said 'Millie, I've told ya

That I am a soldier 

My first love's the military'


Millie was a gal who'd get jealous 

What she said may sound overzealous 

Said 'Terry, you charm me

But if you remain in the Army 

That'll be the end of well, us'


Terry thought 'This gal I cannot reject her

Want to love her and want to protect her 

I'll tell her what I'll do 

I'll say, Because I love you 

I'll become a conscientious objector'


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