A hair-raising tale

Two girlfriends from the borough of Kings

Discussing among other things

Whether or not their boyfriends care

If they, um, ever shave down there


One said 'My boyfriend Kirk

Who I met at work 

If you Newkirk 

He can be a bit of a jerk

Kirk said he don't like my tush

Said it's too flat

And he wants me to shave my bush

Can you believe that?'


Her friend said 'My boyfriend Glen

Glenwood keep asking me when

When will it be bare down there?

To show Glen I care I used a depilatory 

That's the story!

Now, no more hair

Not even a strand 

You understand? Nostrand!'


To the girlfriend with the flat tush

I'd like to know 

Does she live in Flatbush?

If so, how much it cost her?

Hate to put her on the spot 

It might be a lot

Of course, no one Foster

To live there..




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