There once was a man named Jay
Who every day when he got up would say
'I am really great
No, I am not straight
I happen to be gay'
Jay was a man who'd boast
His ego stretched coast to coast
How big was it? Let me explain
Each day he'd break out the champagne
And state ''I'm so great, to me, I'll make a toast!'
One day Jay was driving down the street
When he spotted a man he wanted to meet
Unfotunately for Jay
The street he was driving on was one way
And he'd already passed him by 50 feet
Someone else would pause
Would think 'Guess I won't meet him because
I would have to turn around
An idea that's unsound
Plus I don't wanna break any laws'
But this is Jay we're talking about
'Must meet him!' Jay began to shout
'I don't care the street's one way
I don't care what the laws say
I really don't, the laws I will flout!'
Jay then put his car in reverse
A bad idea immediately got worse
Watch it, you schmuck!
Jay got hit by a truck
Two days later was lying in a hearse
What's the moral of this tale, you say?
Was it relevant that Jay was gay?
Uh, maybe if Jay was bi
He didn't have to die
If Jay was bi, couldn't he have gone the other way???