Investments your interest, invest well

I have a sad story to tell

About a stockbroker named Mel

A wonderful guy

Not to his client Eli

Eli thought that Mel was hell 


One day Eli called Mel on his cell 

Had stocks he wanted to sell

Eli he did worry

Wanted Mel to hurry

Needed to sell them before the closing bell 


It was all a big misunderstandin' 

What? Eli thought Mel demand him

Mel said 'Can't talk now, Eli

Will get back, I gotta go, bye'

That's what Eli thought Mel command him!


What am I talking about?

What caused Eli later to shout

'That's it! Had it with you Mel!

Told me I gotta go buy, wanted to sell!

Bad advice you gave me, no doubt!'


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