The tale of Vinny and Winnie

There once was a man named Vinny

Who was married to a gal named Winnie 

They had a problem they couldn't avert

Concerning the length of Winnie's skirt

Vinny liked the maxi, Winnie the mini


On this point, Vinny was zealous 

Said 'Why make all our friends so jealous?

They're constantly begging 

For you to show more legging

At least, that's what they tell us'


Winnie said 'Vinny, let's compromise

Here's a plan you could try on for size

Since you're so concerned what I'm wearing 

Since you're jealous, my legs you don't want sharing

What if I only wore skirts that cover my thighs?'


At that remark, Vinny couldn't contain his laughter

He said 'So you if cover your thighs, you won't feel a draft? er..

Let's leave nothing to chance 

No more skirts, just wear pants'

Winnie agreed, and they lived happily ever after 


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