Caroline and Carolyn

A tale of Caroline and Carolyn

Good friends they had always been

They were different as day and night

Caroline was very sweet and bright

Carolyn, a dark mood she'd be in


Caroline had a neighbor named Neil

Charged with insider trading, now out on appeal

A Wall Street stockbroker 

He also played poker

He knew how to wheel and deal 


Carolyn was a compulsive bettor

She'd bet on anything if you let her

She'd go through money like water

If she lost, wouldn't pay like she oughta 

Which got her in trouble with a man who met her


Carolyn had made a wager

And like a crazy teenager

Didn't take her responsibilities seriously when she lost

Didn't realize the cost

The man said No pay? With a tiger he'd encage her


Her good friend Caroline was like a sister

Could she possibly assist her?

Before she referred her to Neil

Caroline said 'To pay off this bet, better not steal

No more betting, it's a pot you don't want to stir'


Neil said 'Honey, here's the deal, simple as Simon

I happen to have a hot diamond 

To you this diamond I'll sell

Things should work out well 

It's a crime, who cares? I've put my time in'


'If you want to do business, you see

Then your best friend I'm going to be

You resell the jewel

I know there's a rule

When it's done, we're gonna have fun, trust me'


What a mess! How does it end?

Carolyn feared the cops, her they'd apprehend 

She said 'Should've saw the sign

Should've listened to sweet Caroline

Buy Neil's diamond? Said he'd be my best friend!'


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