Headline in today's N.Y. Times:
'To Counter China's Rising Power, Biden Looks to Strengthen Ties With Japan'
Who writes these headlines? Whoever this person is, they need to understand a few things. First thing is, if Biden wants to strengthen ties with Japan, I have no problem with that. But it's gonna take more than looking. He'll need to actually do something about it!
Second, this headline is incomplete. I completely understand why it's incomplete. Here's why. I refuse to lower myself to the Times level. Suffice it to say, add the word 'wife' at the end of the headline to get what I'm referring to. I guess what happened was the Times realized how offensive the headline was, wanted to change it, started to change it, then stopped before finishing changing it. Sloppy work, N.Y. Times.
I'm not letting President Biden off the hook either. You know why he wanted Jill Biden to be with him as he looks to strengthen ties with Japan? The subheadine lets you know. Why? It's part of a 'broad' diplomatic outreach! Omg! Hasn't the N.Y. Times or President Biden ever heard the term PC? Time for them to wake up and get woke!